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What We Do

Giving help and hope to our Bay Area neighbors

Our Work

The Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund provides short-term assistance to help people living in the nine counties of the San Francisco Bay Area

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Food Bank

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Other Services

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How We Help

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Distribution of Funds
Since 1986

Our History

In 1986, the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund co-founder, Walter A. Haas, Jr., and the Fund’s President, Ira Hirschfield, approached the San Francisco Chronicle with an idea: the Bay Area needed a charitable fund to help individuals and families in crisis.

Now, 34 years later, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has distributed $151 million to prevent hunger and homelessness among Bay Area residents. With the generous support of our donors, the Fund has helped thousands of children and their parents move out of shelters into permanent housing and prevented thousands more from going hungry or becoming homeless.

During the annual fundraising effort, which runs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, Chronicle reporters and photographers fan out across the Bay Area to document the challenges facing individuals and families in need who have been helped by the Fund. These stories are published in the Chronicle and on SFGate.com. The Chronicle also publishes lists of contributors, a running total of donations to the Fund, and advertisements encouraging Bay Area residents to help their neighbors in their time of crisis.

The San Francisco Chronicle supports the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund covering administrative costs and in-kind support as well. The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund also provides support to help cover the costs of the Fund’s administrative expenses.

During its 34-year history the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has evolved into one of the largest private sources of emergency financial assistance in the Bay Area. Each year, our neighbors show their concern and compassion for others by contributing millions of dollars to the Fund. In 2018-2019, our fundraising campaign raised an astounding $9.3 million.